Oprah Winfrey Inner Cultivation

Friday, January 14, 2022 6:45:49 PM

Oprah Winfrey Inner Cultivation

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Beauty Is One ingredient for success involves forging and cultivating healthy relationships. The following sessions are offered to assist in this cultivation:. Some wounds are never allowed to heal. Adults grow up picking at the infected wound, then infecting others around them. Colorful "Starter" journals and interactive placemats are distributed to each participant. Participants enjoy talking, sharing and reflecting in their 'starter' journals. Participants are given 'think-time' to reflect on hygiene and anti-bullying writing prompts. Watch our Toiletries Talk Videos here:.

We are a community-based organization, seeking to positively impact the lives of young ladies throughout the nation. Sign up for our email list for updates, promotions, and more. Your support and contributions will enable our c3 tax-exempt organization to provide a personal hygiene kit, t-shirt apparel, life-skills classes, fun events, and relationship-building activities. Your generous donation will fund our mission. Click here to learn more. Girls Mentoring - All Rights Reserved.

Home Mentoring Reviews Shop More. Signed in as: filler godaddy. Home Mentoring Reviews Shop. Just Be Beautiful, Inc. Girls Mentoring. Just Be In The Know. About Us. Rita L. McGlothin Educator. Community Service Advocate. Founded on Ephesians Just Know More. Psalm NLT. Photo Gallery. Oprah is known to shed a tear over emotional stories through her interviews and this human side of her connects her with people who see her as caring.

Oprah is self-confident and shares personal stories about her pain and joy. She is an authentic communicator who makes a strong connection with her audience. She also has a great sense of moral values. When Oprah makes mistakes she is willing to announce that she was wrong. The types of charismatic behaviors are: strong role models for beliefs and values appear competent to followers, articulate ideological goals that have moral overtones, communicate high expectations to followers. Oprah has donated millions of dollars to set up her boarding school in South Africa.

She is trying to be a strong role model for girls encouraging them to achieve their education and better themselves. Pennsylvania State University World Campus Your example of Oprah Winfrey as a leader is spot on. I agree with your assessment of her leadership but also wanted to offer a possible alternate way to look at her leadership. When I think of Oprah Winfrey, I not only a transformational and charismatic leader, but a servant leader.

If you consider the full body of work she has done on her shows, you will easily see several of the ten characteristics of a servant leader. Two of them that I think about are commitment to the growth of people and building a community. Treating each follower as a unique person with intrinsic value that goes beyond their contributions to an organization shows commitment to the growth of people NORTHOUSE, Oprah did this on her shows that focused on good bosses where she highlighted extraordinary measures taken by bosses to help the life of employees OPRAH. By highlighting each boss as an example for the public, she was helping us all to grow. Oprah did this on her shows where she frequently gave away gifts. Often times, the giveaways were tied to the theme of her show and many were focused on building a sense of community such as large donations to libraries, after-school programs and community centers OPRAH.

Oprah Winfrey is an excellent example of many dimensions of leadership and I am sure she will be studied for years to come. Thanks for sharing a great example. References: Northouse, P. Leadership: Theory and Practice.

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