Industrial Revolution: The Most Important Events In History

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Industrial Revolution: The Most Important Events In History

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The Industrial Revolution - Mankind: The Story of All of Us (S1, E11) - Full Episode - History

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Child labor was a significant issue. Health issues arose for many of the factory workers giving rise to the labor movement throughout the U. The first cotton mill was built after Samuel Slater brought Britain's manufacturing technology to the United States. The mill was powered by water bringing jobs and commerce to the Northeast. In the following years, many factories and mills were built using the same technologies. The Industrial Revolution was primarily driven by the use of coal as an energy source. Before the use of coal, wood was the primary energy source; coal provided three times more energy than wood, and Britain had large coal deposits.

In , the first transcontinental railroad was completed and was a major accomplishment for the U. Also, during the American Industrial Revolution, Samuel Morse created the telegraph, which sent electric signals over a wire allowing the nation to communicate. Andrew Carnegie built the first steel mills in the U. The Industrial Revolution shifted from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy where products were no longer made solely by hand but by machines. This led to increased production and efficiency, lower prices, more goods, improved wages, and migration from rural areas to urban areas.

The first Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the mid-to-late s, when innovation led to goods being produced in large quantities due to machine manufacturing. This spread around the globe, and the Second Industrial Revolution began in the U. The first Industrial Revolution began in the second half of the 18th century while the Second Industrial Revolution began in the late 19th century. Technological changes, such as the use of iron and steel, and new energy sources such as coal and steam, and the factory system, which led to a division of labor and specialization, which increased efficiency.

The three most important inventions of the first Industrial Revolution include the steam engine, the spinning jenny, and the telegraph. The three most important inventions of the Second Industrial Revolution include the combustible engine, electricity, and the lightbulb. History Hit. Business Essentials. Financial Technology. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Business Essentials Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions. Business Business Essentials. What Was the Industrial Revolution? Key Takeaways The first industrial revolution began in Great Britain in the s and s and was a time of significant innovation. Both Industrial Revolutions led to inventions that included the telephone, the steam engine, the sewing machine, the X-ray, the lightbulb, and the combustible engine.

Working for businesses during the Industrial Revolution paid better wages than agricultural work. The increase in the number of factories and migration to the cities led to pollution, deplorable working and living conditions, and child labor. Advantages Advancements in production Growth in innovations and inventions Workers earned higher wages Improvements in transportation networks. Disadvantages Deplorable working conditions and child labor Unsanitary living conditions and pollution Food shortages.

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Green Tech Definition Green tech is a type of technology that is considered environmentally-friendly based on its production process or supply chain. This was an improvement on a crude steam powered machine built by fellow Englishman, Thomas Savery, whose machine had no moving parts. It was, however, still dreadfully inefficient; it required huge amounts of coal to function. It was introduced commercially in and became the basis for future developments that saw the steam engine become the main source of power for a large variety of British industries.

The journey had an average speed of c. This was the most advanced locomotive of its day, winning the Rainhill trials as the only one of five entrants to complete the one mile track in Lancashire. The trials had been put on to test the argument that locomotives provided the best propulsion for the new Liverpool and Manchester Railway. The next year they installed the system along thirteen miles of Great Western Railway from Paddington to West Drayton. It was the first commercial telegraph in the world. In America, the first telegraph service opened in when telegraph wires connected Baltimore and Washington D.

One of the main figures behind the invention of the telegraph was the American Samuel Morse, who also went on to develop Morse Code to allow the easier transmission of messages across telegraph lines; it is still used to this day. Prior to its invention, gunpowder called black powder had been used to shatter rocks and fortifications. Dynamite, however, proved stronger and safer, quickly gaining widespread use. Patent Office, was destroyed in a fire which demolished the building in Only 38 years later, in , the first modern typewriter was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes. This typewriter, patented in , featured a keyboard with keys arranged in alphabetical order, which made the letters easy to find but had two disadvantages.

The most used letters were not easy to reach, and hitting neighbouring keys in rapid succession caused the machine to jam. With the introduction of machinery, factories began springing up first in Britain and then across the world. There are various arguments as to the first factory. The man often credited with inventing the modern factory, however, is Richard Arkwright, who constructed Cromford Mill in Located in the Derwent Valley, Derbyshire, Cromford Mill was the first water-powered cotton spinning mill and initially employed workers.

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