Vak Learning Styles Theory

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Vak Learning Styles Theory

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What kind of learner are you? - The 4 different learning styles

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They favour lectures and discussions over reading. Kinaesthetic learners learn by experience and particularly by tactile exploration of the world. They prefer to learn by experimentation. You can get clues to whether someone is visual, auditory or kinaesthetic from the kind of language that they use. There is no question that each of us has particular preferences for how we learn. There is equally little doubt that we all have slightly different things that we are good at, which may or may not be related to our learning style.

The original theory suggests that we should tailor learning experiences to fit our preferred learning style. Unfortunately, there are a huge number of theories of learning styles out there, and very little evidence that teaching in a particular style is beneficial for a particular type of learner. A major review study looked at the VAK model of learning styles, and suggested that in order to prove that it was useful in teaching, you would need to have studies that grouped students by learning style, and then taught part of each group in different ways. There would need to be teaching methods that worked best for each type of learner and did not work for the others. The review authors concluded that there had been almost no studies that did this.

The jury, therefore, is still out on whether teaching should be tailored to learning styles. However, just because there is no evidence from a formal study does not mean that considering your learning style is not worthwhile. A knowledge of learning styles may help you to identify different ways of learning that might be enjoyable or better for you. For example:. Understanding that there are different ways of learning, and that learning ideally happens in a cycle, helps you to vary your learning experience, and that is likely to improve your ability to learn and to retain information.

If you find that there are particular types of teaching or learning that really do not suit you, do not be afraid to tailor your experience a bit. If you are considering a course, whether for long-term study or shorter-term learning, you may want to phone the person organising it and discuss the type of learning. It may be that you could avoid certain aspects of it, or the tutor may be able to suggest a more appropriate course for you. For example, even if you struggle with sitting in a lecture, listening to someone talk, do not be tempted to abandon the experience!

Instead, try making it into something different. Take notes, or draw a picture such as a mind-map to help you remember it more visually, or organise a discussion session afterwards over coffee with others to consider the learning in a different way. If your course is examination-based, you also need to think about how you are going to revise the subject matter. For example, you may like lectures, but will you want to revise by reading over your notes? Maybe you should ask your lecturers if you can record the lecture, or perhaps record your notes onto a digital voice recorder? Coaching and mentoring require some very specific skills, particularly focused on facilitating and enabling others, and building good relationships.

This eBook is designed to help you to develop those skills, and become a successful coach or mentor. See your personalized report with comprehensive information on your personality type, multiple intelligences, learning styles and more. Skip to content. The Ultimate Personality Test. Start Free Test. Example Report. Free, No Registration It's true. Your Personality Type Carl Jung's theory of psychological types explains that each person is "wired" with different tendencies and preferences. Learn More. Take Test. Your Multiple Intelligences IQ tests are limited. Your Learning Styles Learning Styles is a theory that suggests people learn better using different methods of learning.

Your Brain Hemispheres There are two sides of your brain known as hemispheres. Get Your Personality Max Report. Your personalized report is 20 pages long with 36 detailed charts and graphs about you. Customize Your Test. Improve and Grow. Your report includes strategies for your relationships, learning and work based on your results. Your Career Matches. We use your unique set of results to suggest a number of careers that could be ideal for you. Save and Share.

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