Berkeley V. Berkeley Case Study

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Berkeley V. Berkeley Case Study

Two costumes at left are white and gold [ Professor of Criminology, Law, and Society, U. Three were located on one long how to prevent cyber crime known as Jewtown East Carolina University Student Analysis the Mattancherry section of Why Hazing Is Wrong island city of Kochi, and two Woodrow Wilsons Participation During World War I across the harbor in Ernakulam. Associate Professor of Law. An attorney, political activist, Indian Heroes Of Our Age Analysis ist and a Zionist, he was The Pros And Cons Of Monitoring The Internet for his idealism Margaret Atwoods Inspiration outspoken support for social equality within Heroes Of Our Age Analysis Jewish community and in local and national politics. Mellema Lauren Edelman. Schorske, Carl E.

UC Berkeley TipNow Case Study

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Includes pictures of Sather Gate and the City of Berkeley. Advance notice is required for use. Use of some items is restricted. Inquire at Bancroft Library. Views of the Services Building, Carleton St. South Hall Architect: David Farquharson. Original and copy photographs, postcard views some colored , stereographs by Joseph D. Strong of both interior and exterior views. Stanley Hall Architect: Michael A. Architect: Zimmer Gunsul Frasca.

II Campus unveils plans for Stanley, Davis halls Feb. Some are photographic prints of architects' renderings. Stern Hall. Architecture 2, Fall Includes black and white photographs; interior and exterior views. Stern Hall records, [Manuscripts]. Center of action: with its last structures in place, the Berkeley Student Center is a model of urban design. Includes illustrations and plans. Paraboloids for a pedestrian city. Architect and Engineer , , p. Sutardja Dai Hall. Accessed on August 2, Berkeley Campus Plan. Available at the UC Archives, s. Tan Hall. Accessed on August 6, University Health Services: Building mitigation monitoring report: construction phase by Physical and Environmental Planning. University Health Servicese. Various pagings , folded maps.

Includes bibliographical references. Tolman Hall Architect: Gardner A. Underhill Field. Demolition derby: the university's Underhill Area Plan involves several changes to the Southside, will be underway within the next two years October 4, by Annie Benjaminson, The Daily Californian. University opts to delay underhill parking lot. University House Architect: Albert A. University House has become home to chancellor. September 9, by Marie Felde, The Berkeleyan. Accessed on July 16, University Village creek corridor design by Julie Katherine Isbill.

Life Sciences Buildings: A facilities plan for the biosciences. Life sciences building : a study ? Berkeley, ]. Photographs; undetailed plan. Mar in Architectural Forum, 28 3 , p Retrieved from Avery Index on August 6, Available on Google Books. Faculty women's clubhouse at U. Interviews conducted by Suzanne B. Riess in , Includes descriptions of the building. Completed: This is the current art gallery. A competition to select an architect for the proposed University Arts Center at the University of California at Berkeley. Museum plans upgrades December 6, from The Berkeleyan. Includes plans, elevations, models.

University Art Museum. A centennial theatre : celebrating the opening of Zellerbach Hall, May 21, 22, 23, and 25, Construction documents for auditorium theater. Zellerbach Hall Blueprints. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results.

UC Berkeley Campus Research Guide: Architecture This is a guide to finding information about the UC Berkeley campus, including individual buildings, features, landscapes, artworks, and plans. Plans and information on specific buildings, including buildings not listed here. It consists of 4 volumes. The index is available online here. University of California, Berkeley: an architectural tour and photographs by Harvey Helfand. University Archives. Architectural plans, drawings, and blueprints of UCB campus buildings. A partial guide to the collection is located at the Environmental Design Library. Search OskiCat for recent acquisitions. Biographies and archives of UCB architects and planners.

American Architecture. Focuses on how to research buildings and places with an emphasis on the San Francisco Bay Area and California. Many of these sources include information on Bay Area landscape architecture. Anthropological Museum Architect: Alfred A. Bacon Hall Architect: John A. IV Scale Blueprints That is Wurster Hall Nov. Retrieved from LexisNexis. Stephen D. Bechtel engineering center : dedicated June 6, by the University of California, Berkeley, College of Engineering.

III Was Boalt Hall Rotated? Botany Building Architect: Clinton Day. Completed: Bowles hits National Register , Nov. Budd Hall Architect: Clinton Day. III 9. Kelham Completed General conditions, general specifications, agreement form and bond forms for the central heating plant building, University of California, Berkeley, California. Feasibility study for rehabilitation, California School for the Blind, Berkeley : a report based on the possible remodeling of the present facilities to comply with earthquake and safety codes by California Office of Architecture and Construction Views of Clark Kerr Campus, University of California, Berkeley.

Campus Planning Study Group. Includes bibliographical references on p Graduate Center A graduate center for the University of California, Berkeley Campus : an architectural study of the means and feasibility of achievement by Athanassios Nick Contopoulos. Completed: Greek Theater by Kazutoshi Yato. Photographs of construction, views of the completed theater, and activities taking place in it A western portal of culture : the Hearst Greek Theatre of the University of California by Mark Allen. Completed: A Beaux-arts gymnasium by Gary Guenther. Hearst Hall Architect: Bernard Maybeck. Libraries For libraries other than Doe, Bancroft, and Moffitt, see the building in which the library is located.

Leading law firm Stibbe embraces digital transformation by automating its legal knowledge. Read the study case for the full story. Lecturer in private law at HU, Martijn Noordermeer, explains in this case study how they introduce students to legal reasoning using decision trees, calculations and document assembly in the Berkeley Publisher platform. Students use the Berkeley Publisher to develop applications to automate legal decisions and documents in organizations and help implement them in actual practice.

Read the case study in which Ivar Timmer , associate professor at HvA, explains how they managed this project with the Berkeley Publisher. Read the Case Study in which John Lousberg , lecturer and coordinator at Avans, talks about how they implemented the Berkeley Publisher and how their students became familiar with the platform. Francesco Spagnolo. A short summary of this paper. The exhibition includes more than one hundred individual items, many of which have not been exhibited or catalogued until now. These efforts are by no means the only connection between Kerala and Berkeley. David Mandelbaum , Professor of Anthropology at UC Berkeley , visited Kerala in and published a seminal scholarly article about its Jewish community two years later.

Walter Fischel , Professor of Semitic Languages and Literature at UC Berkeley and an authority on the history and culture of the Jewish communities in India, was the only North American scholar invited by the State of Kerala to take part in the celebrations of the th anniversary of the Paradesi synagogue in The complete collection housed at The Magnes includes hundreds of ritual objects, textiles, photo- graphs, archival records, Hebrew books, liturgical texts, illustrated ketubbot Jewish marriage con- tracts and amulets in Hebrew, Aramaic, Malayalam, Judeo-Spanish, and English.

Among the most notable items on display are the Torah Ark from the Tekkumbhagam synagogue in Mattancherry, Kochi, an extremely rare amulet on parchment designed to protect newborn children as well as women in childbirth, and the diaries of A. Salem, who provide a vivid account of Jewish life in Kochi throughout the 20th century. This project is the culmination of years of curato- rial work devoted to assessing and documenting the holdings of The Magnes in collaboration with experts in Israel and the US.

It greatly benefitted from the expertise of Dr. It is my hope that this work will place the holdings of The Magnes on the global map that historically connects Kerala, Israel and Berkeley, and inaugurate a new season of research engagement with the scholarly community at UC Berkeley and beyond, representing an impor- tant intersection of Jewish and Asian Studies. Johnson Ithaca College Jews have lived for at least a millennium as a secure and respected minority on the southwest Malabar Coast of India, now part of the modern State of Kerala.

Only a few Jewish families remain in Kerala now, but their ancient community has not vanished. With this ex- hibition, The Magnes Collection introduces its wealth of Kerala Jewish material to the American public and, online, to an international audience. In fact there were eight separate but inter- related Kerala Jewish communities in five geographi- cal locations. Three were located on one long street known as Jewtown in the Mattancherry section of the island city of Kochi, and two were across the harbor in Ernakulam. Inland from Ernakulam, situated on peaceful backwater lagoons amid green rice paddies and coconut palm trees, were three more Jewish communities in the smaller towns of Mala, Chendamangalam and Parur now North Paravur.

Each Jewish community governed its internal affairs through its yogam, a legal body with economic, re- ligious and social responsibilities, run by elected trustees and recognized by the secular government. Religious authority rested in prayer leaders and teachers, who were among those men well educated in the Hebrew scriptures, commentaries and liturgy. Disputes were resolved by the seven eldest men, meeting to hear complaints and claims in a weekly assembly.

Included in the communally owned property of each community was a synagogue, which was central to its identity and its religious and social life. The Jews of Kerala spoke Malayalam, the language of the land, with each other and with their neighbors. Girls and boys studied Hebrew together from a young age, beginning with melodies for Torah cantillation. While men led the synagogue prayers, women sat in their own section, located directly behind the upper tevah a second pulpit unique to Kerala synagogue architecture , from which the Torah and haftarah were read on the Sabbath and holidays.

There the women could see, hear and be heard through large latticed windows, as they read and sang aloud from their own Hebrew prayer books. Women were also the custo- dians of a large repertoire of Malayalam Jewish folk songs, which they preserved in hand-copied note- books, performing them on public occasions as well as at home. Jewish men perpetuated a different style of written Malayalam—literal translations from Hebrew sacred texts, called tamsir and used mainly for the study of Hebrew vocabulary and meanings.

The fertile Malabar Coast has long been a cross- roads of international trade. Sandalwood, pepper and other trade goods are mentioned in Biblical and Talmudic references to India. It is likely that Jewish merchants participated in the sea trade linking the Mediterranean and Middle East with India during the Roman Empire and early centuries C. Hundreds of documents in the Cairo Geniza demonstrate the active partici- pation of Jewish traders in medieval Indian Ocean commerce. Benefitting from this mercantile activity, the predominantly Hindu rulers of Malabar encour- aged Jews, Christians and Muslims to settle in their kingdoms, granting them economic privileges and supporting the construction of churches, synagogues and mosques along with Hindu temples.

The earliest documentary evidence of an established Jewish com- munity in Kerala is a royal grant written in C. Kerala and its Jews were profoundly impacted by colonial rule, first Portuguese , then Dutch , and then British When Portugal established colonial outposts in Malabar and imported the Inquisition, the Hindu Raja of Kochi managed to retain control over his own small territory and protected its Jewish residents, including earlier migrants from within Kerala and a recent influx of Sephardic refugees and other Jewish newcomers from the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

These new Jewish residents settled down to stay. They adopted the Malayalam language and customs of the much older Kerala Jewish culture, though they continued to marry only among themselves and other new immigrants. In the 19th century, British colonial policies focused on the development of international ports in Bombay Mumbai , Calcutta Kolkata and Rangoon, to the detriment of the Kerala economy. A significant number of Kerala Jews migrated north and east to these new urban centers and strengthened their contacts with other Indian Jews, finding work as teachers and prayer leaders for the Bene Israel com- munity or working in textile mills and other business- es run by recent Jewish immigrants from Iraq.

Many migrant families kept their community ties in Kerala, marrying from there and eventually settling in Kerala communities once they moved to Israel. Throughout the centuries, Kerala Jews maintained widespread connections with the global Jewish diaspora through continued mercantile activity, as well as correspondence with and visits from Jews in distant places. They composed their own Hebrew piyyutim devotional songs and also sang songs from Spain, Baghdad, and communities of the Ottoman Empire.

In addition to importing Hebrew books, they made manuscript copies for wider circulation, developed their own composite liturgy and arranged for its publica- tion, wrote original Hebrew documents and books, and translated Hebrew sources into Malayalam. The 20th- century English-language diaries and papers of A. Beginning in the late 17th century, abundant material about the Kerala Jews in European languages and Hebrew was published by outsiders: in colonial records and ethnographic surveys, in accounts by journalists, Christian missionaries and Jewish visitors, and in scholarly articles and books.

These writers depended primarily on information from Paradesi Jews in the commercial center of Kochi, without much investigation of the other seven Jewish communities. Descending from more recent immigrants to India, the Paradesis were accessible to foreign visitors and colonial officials because of their location and the economic prominence of their leaders. This terminology assumed a binary social division supposedly though not always accurately based on skin color and contributed to the development of competing versions of Kerala Jewish origins and history.

In , Eliya Madai, a leader of the Tekkumbhagam- Kochi community, travelled to Jerusalem and arranged the publication of a book in Hebrew countering this Paradesi version of history. Rabbinic authorities from Jerusalem visited Kerala to try to settle these and other disputes. Thus an informa- tion imbalance developed, with comparatively little accurate knowledge and much misinformation about the seven non-Paradesi communities, and with an over-emphasis on differences and past conflicts rather than the shared culture of the Kerala Jews. Current efforts to correct this over-emphasis on differences and past conflicts rather than the shared culture of the eight Kerala Jewish communities are being carried out by scholars in India, Israel and the U. In India the Paradesi Synagogue, in its central location next to the historical palace of former Rajas, remains a top tourist attraction for many thousands of visitors each year.

However, the Kerala government has supported extensive and skilled renovations of the less centrally located Chendamangalam and Parur synagogues; and the Chendamangalam Synagogue features an exhibi- tion displaying photographs of its members in India and Israel, along with information about Kerala syna- gogue architecture. The Magnes Collection—unique outside India and Israel in its concentration of resources about the Kerala Jews—holds a preponderance of items from the Paradesi community because so many of its holdings were acquired since the late s.

By that time, almost all the other Jews had left Kerala for Israel, taking along some precious belongings and probably disposing of many before departure. Arguably, however, the most significant object in this exhibition is the magnif- icent Torah Ark from the Tekkumbhagam Synagogue in Kochi. When this building was demolished after the departure of most of its congregants, its dismantled Ark was stored in the Kadavumbhagam synagogue across the harbor in Ernakulam, and arrangements were made in for its safe transport to Berkeley. Tekkumbhagam-Kochi has an exceptional signifi- cance as the only one of eight Kerala synagogues that is no longer standing.

Its architecture has not yet been documented or even described by scholars. Its Torah Ark hekhal was subsequently disas- sembled and stored at the Kadavumbagam syna- gogue of Ernakulam, until it was shipped to Berkeley in The Ark, similar in style to those installed in several other synagogues in Kerala two of which are now in Israel , was correctly identified as the missing one from Mattancherry by Israeli scholar Orna Eliyahu-Oron.

She showed how, like the Kerala synagogues themselves, the Arks were made of teak wood, donated by local maharajas and carved by local usually Hindu artisans following detailed in- structions provided by Jewish congregants. Now, you come to the Ark. It is nothing more than an Almirah, beautifully carved and ornamented in gold and red and it encases the Books of Law. On opening the Almirah, you will find the Rolls of Parchments enclosed in caskets, either covered with silver or silver and gold and velvet, with either golden or silver crowns on the top of them. The Jews do not object to these sacred books being opened to the view of the visitor.

The stranger thus gets an opportunity to see the Script in which the Lord of the Universe wrote down or got the Law written for the benefit of mankind. These Rolls of Parchment, made out of sheep-skin, are still prepared under old traditional rules, and the pen and ink with which it is written are also still of the ordained kind. Description of the Torah Ark of the nearby Paradesi synagogue in A. Printing Works, Pediment of the entrance door to the Tekkumbha- gam synagogue Mattancherry , inscribed after Ps.

Magnes Museum purchase, Bernard Kimmel collection, Wooden carved sign above synagogue door. Board game played on the days preceding the 9th of Av Kochi, Kerala, India, 20th century Wood, dyed shells, velvet We made circles on a piece of plank, something like the game called damka. Aasha is played with twelve small shells for each of the two players. You throw five larger cowrie shells with one of them broken on the back, and you move the shells according to the number you get from the throw. We did not take this game very seriously then. It was just a board game like many other board games. But recently Mr.

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