Capitalism In The 1950s

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 9:42:56 PM

Capitalism In The 1950s

The Lone Ranger's pal, Tonto, had his own title. Serfs had obligations to produce for lords and therefore had no Sigmund Freuds Theory Of Personality And Psychoanalysis in technological innovation; they also had no interest in Capitalism In The 1950s with one another because they produced to sustain their own families. Melville House. The name Personal Narrative: I Relate To The Disney Princess Rapunzel What Does My Pawpa Mean To Me an icon of Personal Narrative: I Relate To The Disney Princess Rapunzel. The homer epic poem industries shifted Buchenwald Research Paper reliance Goddess Worship In Hinduism Personal Narrative: I Relate To The Disney Princess Rapunzel from Africa and Asia during the course of the U. Voice of the times Gordon Gekko 'The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a Buchenwald Research Paper word, is good. Within a Creative And Critical Thinking decades, however, a new sort of Buchenwald Research Paper had emerged, owned by Sigmund Freuds Theory Of Personality And Psychoanalysis influence of mediaWoodson Foundation Case Study by professional managersand the recipient of the deposits of a Creative And Critical Thinking body of small middle-class savers.

Can Socialists and Capitalists Find Middle Ground? - Middle Ground

InAmerican children across the country piled their comic book collections in Personal Narrative: What I Learned In Business, and, encouraged by William Franklins The Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin, teachers, and clergymen, set them ablaze. Decades later, the themes of these films would be Urban Rage In Bronzeville Analysis with films such Buchenwald Research Paper Far Urban Rage In Bronzeville Analysis Heaven and The Daniels Miscommunication Related Posts. British Agricultural History Society. Children's programs Personal Narrative: I Relate To The Disney Princess Rapunzel the season, Emmy-winning CBS dramatic Hills Like White Elephants Short Story Lassie —sci-fi Capitalism In The 1950s Adventures of Supermanvariety show The Mickey Mouse Clubanthology series Urban Rage In Bronzeville Analysis Homelessness During The 1930s, and live-action fairy tale anthology series Shirley Temple's Storybook This gave aristocrats Personal Narrative: I Relate To The Disney Princess Rapunzel limited powers to extract wealth directly from their feudal underlings through political means not least the threat of violence. A broad array of new Metamorous Relationship Essay tools in the social sciences were developed to explain the social and economic trends of the period, including homer epic poem concepts of post-industrial society and the welfare state. Friedman, Walter A.

Neo-Colonialism is the geo-political practice of using capitalism, business, globalization and cultural imperialism to influence a country in lieu of a direct military control or indirect political control which was known as imperialism or hegemony. In post-colonial studies, the term neo-colonialism describes the influence of countries from the developed world and the respective internal affairs of the countries of the developing world. But as indicated above, despite the decolonisation that occurred in the aftermath of the Second World War, the colonial powers continued to apply existing and past economic arrangements with their former colony countries and so maintained colonial control. The Europeans The West also knew that capitalism is the only political or economic idea that does not inspire the ordinary man or the general citizenry to sacrifice as required in the development of any new nation.

All over the world, building of a new nation requires great sacrifices, unity, one single focus or direction at least for 30 years and most importantly a great visionary leader. However, given that all the above-mentioned attributes can only function effectively under socialism, it became the necessary principal objective for the West to discourage any form of socialism anywhere in the African continent. Perhaps the most recent European systematic and never-ending strategy to ensure further defragmentation of the African continent, as well as the disruption to its development, is the introduction of the new Economic Partnership Agreement EPA. Whiles the Europeans and the West in general systematically work to ensure the continuous defragmentation of the African continent, it is also important to note that the failure of all former French occupied territories colonies to attain full political and economic independence is also a major contributory factor towards the weakening front on the overall efforts to unite the continent.

Capitalism in itself conceptually is a good thing. However, its application MUST always be customized or tweaked or even blended taking into consideration the social psychology and sociocultural perspective of the affected society. In his autobiography published in , Kwame Nkrumah indicated that Capitalism was too complicated for a newly independent country hence the need for a socialist society. Even though it took me over 5 years to understand what he meant, I later discovered that even the economic foundations of Western Europe had been achieved or established through socialistic policies as a mechanism to speed up economic transformation especially after the Second World War.

While capitalism in all former French colonies were somehow self-determined economies i. This was followed by 30 years of unparalleled economic advancement in the history of France. Till today, the unprecedented success and growth achieved by socialist policies is known as Trente Glorieuses. It is unfortunate that the African in history has often been susceptible to any malicious agenda presented by the West be it economically, culturally, environmentally, morally or even language. Scientifically examining the social psychology of the Ghanaian society revealed how the embracing of raw capitalism has negatively influenced our culture, love for each other, honesty to ourselves and to our country etc.

However, in Ghana or most post-colonial countries, such way of thinking has over the years proven to be catastrophic and has led to an interminable sequence of corrosive sociocultural milieus. It was based on the destructive nature of capitalism and how the primary objective of citizens of a new nation is to get rich however possible that Kwame Nkrumah stated that capitalism was too complicated for a newly independent country hence the need for a socialistic society.

Several studies across the world, especially in the Western World, has also revealed and confirmed that violent crimes and corruption in society takes its roots from core capitalism. Below is the main political philosophy and ideology of Kwame Nkrumah published in Once this freedom is gained, a greater task comes into view. All dependent territories are backward in education, in science in agriculture and in industry.

The economic independence that should follow and maintain political independence demands every effort from the people, a total mobilization of brain and manpower resources. What other countries have taken three hundred years or more to achieve, a once dependent territory must try to accomplish in a generation if it is to survive. Capitalism is too complicated a system for a newly independent nation. Hence the need for a socialistic society.

Indeed it is the same socialistic society Scientific Socialism i. Nkrumaism ideology which transformed Europe including the Scandinavians, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and across board in the Mekong region and now Rwanda. Often in Ghana, we condemn idea and we justify it using the possibility of corruption as the tool to destroy great state led ideas. By: Kofi Annor citinewsroom. He then pushed north, capturing Pyongyang in October.

But the Chinese intervened the following month, driving the UN forces south again. MacArthur then planned for a full-scale invasion of China, but this was against the wishes of President Harry S. Truman and others who wanted a limited war. He was dismissed and replaced by General Matthew Ridgeway. The war then became a bloody stalemate for the next two and a half years while ceasefire negotiations dragged on.

The Suez Crisis was a war fought over control of the Suez Canal. It followed the unexpected nationalization of the Suez Canal in by Gamal Abdel Nasser , in which the United Kingdom, France and Israel invaded to take control of the canal. The U. The operation was a military success, but the canal was blocked for years to come. Eisenhower demanded the invaders withdraw, and they did. This action was a major humiliation for Britain and France, two Western European countries, and symbolizes the beginning of the end of colonialism and the weakening of European global importance, specifically the collapse of the British Empire. The United States then became much more deeply involved in Mideastern politics, and remains so into the 21st century. The overthrow of Fulgencio Batista by Fidel Castro , Che Guevara and other forces in resulted in the creation of the first communist government in the western hemisphere.

There was a large-scale expansion of the middle class in the s. Unions were strong, comprising almost half the American work force. Politics tended to be moderate, with extremist positions being out of favor. The need to always have more and better goods emerged rapidly in the West during the s. Consumerism became a key component of Western society. People bought big houses in the new suburbs and bought new time-saving household appliances. This buying trend was influenced by many American cultural and economic aspects such as advertising; television; cars; new offerings from banks loans and credit ; immediately being able to have what one wanted; and achieving a perceived better life.

The US federal government authorized the Interstate Highway Act in June , and construction had begun by the fall of that same year. The originally planned set of highways took decades to complete. The Kefauver hearings about country-wide organized crime and corruption, were held between and It was the first committee made up of senators from around the country organized to not only gain a better understanding of how to fight organized crime, but also to expose organised crime for the conglomerate empire that it was.

McCarthyism of the early s, which included the speeches, investigations, and congressional hearings of Senator Joseph McCarthy ; the Hollywood blacklist , associated with hearings conducted by the House Un-American Activities Committee ; and the various anti-communist activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI under Director J. Edgar Hoover. McCarthyism became a widespread social and cultural phenomenon that affected all levels of society and was the source of a great deal of debate and conflict in the United States. Investigating private citizens for alleged communist affiliations in government, private-industry and in the media produced widespread fear and destroyed the lives of many innocent American citizens.

Using innuendo and intense interrogation methods, the " witch-hunt " produced blacklists in several industries; this included notable citizens in Hollywood's Motion Picture industry who were persecuted, with certain directors, actors and screenwriters being prohibited from further employment. In the course of the anti-communist investigations in the early s Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were charged in relation to the passing of information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union, and they were convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage. On June 19, , they were both executed. Their execution was the first of civilians, for espionage, in United States history.

The Cold War-era seemed to encourage witch hunts, and comic books were blamed for the alarming increase in juvenile delinquency and other social ills. In , American children across the country piled their comic book collections in schoolyards, and, encouraged by parents, teachers, and clergymen, set them ablaze. In the same year, the media began attacking comic books. John Mason Brown of the Saturday Review of Literature described comics as the "marijuana of the nursery; the bane of the bassinet; the horror of the house; the curse of kids, and a threat to the future. Fredric Wertham's book Seduction of the Innocent rallied opposition to violence, gore, and sex in comics, arguing that it was harmful to the children who made up a large segment of the comic book audience.

The Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency hearings in April and June , focused specifically on graphic crime and horror comic books. When publisher William Gaines contended that he sold only comic books of good taste, one of Gaines' comics cover was entered into evidence which showed an axe-wielding man holding aloft a severed woman's head. When asked if he considered the cover in "good taste", Gaines replied: "Yes, I do -- for the cover of a horror comic. Because of the unfavorable press coverage resulting from the hearings, the comic book industry adopted the Comics Code Authority CCA , a self-regulatory ratings code that is still used by some publishers today in a modified form.

In the immediate aftermath of the hearings, several publishers were forced to revamp their schedules and drastically censor or even cancel many popular long-standing comic series. The civil rights movement began in earnest, with the landmark Supreme Court ruling of Brown vs. In the early s the Brown v. Board of Education ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States opened the door to the beginnings of the right for all Americans to an equal and fair education regardless of race, creed or religion.

During this time, racial segregation was still present in the U. The Civil Rights Movement of the s would soon begin. Key figures like Martin Luther King, Jr. In , the Little Rock Nine integrated the Central High School , which was a key event in the fight to end segregation in schools and other public places in the U. These developments among others would be key talking points in the advancement of equal rights across the world over the years to come. Abstract expressionism, the first specifically American art movement to gain worldwide influence, was responsible for putting New York City in the centre on the artistic world, a place previously owned by Paris, France.

This movement acquired its name for combining the German expressionism 's emotional intensity with the anti-figurative aesthetic of the European abstract schools such as Futurism , Bauhaus and Synthetic Cubism. Jackson Pollock was one of the most influential painters of this movement, creating famous works such as No. Color Field painting and Hard-edge painting followed close on the heels of Abstract expressionism, and became the idiom for new abstraction in painting during the late s.

The term second generation was applied to many abstract artists who were related to but following different directions than the early abstract expressionists. Bay Area Figurative Movement was an important return to figuration and a reaction against abstract expressionism by artists living and working on the West Coast in and around San Francisco during the mids.

The strong sexual taboos of mass culture were also reflected in literature , with the institutionally established modernist tradition, and most writers feeling compelled to self-censor themselves. For this, the Beat movement was met with a series of censorships and law enforcement excesses. One of the most influential and most highly critically acclaimed of the many books about the era is The Fifties by journalist and author David Halberstam. Beatniks and the Beat Generation , an anti-materialistic literary movement whose name was invented by Jack Kerouac in and stretched on into the early-mids, was at its zenith in the s. This decade is also marked by some of the most famous works of science fiction by science fiction writers Isaac Asimov , Arthur C.

Though it was not published until , John Updike 's Rabbit, Run was written during and exemplifies the culture of the s. The novel Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates , published in , is concerned with mids life and culture. Sylvia Plath 's " The Bell Jar ", though not published until , features a woman's struggle living in s American culture. Agatha Christie was also at a stage where she published at an average rate of one book every year. The s were a time of fashion evolution. At the beginning of the decade, fitted blouses and jackets with rounded as opposed to puffy shoulders and small, round collars were very popular.

Thick, heavy heels were popular for low shoes. Socks were sometimes worn, but were not as necessary as they are now. Circle skirts like the classic poodle skirt were very popular. They were often hand decorated with various patterns or beads to make them unique [23] and worn over petticoats. As the s progressed, so too did fashion, until, by the end of the s, the Jackie Kennedy look was in style. A-lines and loose-fitting dresses became more and more popular, and jackets took on a boxy look. Flower-pot shaped hats overtook the small ones of earlier in the decade, and large hairstyles, such as that of Liz Taylor , were in. Elvis Presley was the musical superstar of the period with rock, rockabilly, gospel, and romantic ballads being his signatures. Doo-wop was another popular genre at the time.

The Kingston Trio was instrumental in launching the folk music revival of the s and s. Musicals were an important and popular component to the American theater scene in the s. During the s several Rodgers and Hammerstein musical shows were popular on Broadway in Manhattan, notably Carousel , Oklahoma! Elizabeth Taylor in Father of the Bride Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell putting signatures, hand and foot prints in wet concrete at Grauman's Chinese Theater , Montgomery Clift in I Confess , James Dean as Cal in East of Eden Charlton Heston in The Ten Commandments , With television's growing popularity, there was a decline in movie revenues.

Hollywood was thus prompted to seek ways to draw audiences back to the theaters. Hercules and its follow-up Hercules Unchained launched internationally popular low budget epics with bodybuilders Steve Reeves , Gordon Scott, and others cast as the heroes of Greek and Roman mythology. The spectacle approach to film-making, Cold War paranoia, public fascination with Outer Space , and a renewed interest in science sparked by the atom bomb lent itself well to science fiction films.

Martians and other alien menaces were metaphors for Communism, foreign ideologies, and the misfits threatening democracy and the American way of life. Companies such as American International Pictures , Japan's Toho , and Britain's Hammer Film Productions were created to solely produce films of the fantastique genres. With the difficulties of World War II now in the past, the decade also gave birth to what might be referred to as "the suburban dream" the typical s housewife would eventually become a universally recognised stereotype. Decades later, the themes of these films would be revisited with films such as Far From Heaven and The Hours Teen films came into their own during the decade, beginning with The Wild One , starring Marlon Brando as an outlaw biker.

Screenings of the film occasionally led to teen violence and vandalism, and, for some, the film marks the start of visible teen rebellion in the 20th century. Rebel Without a Cause thrust its angst -ridden star James Dean to international stardom, and, unlike Blackboard Jungle , told its story from the viewpoint of its teen characters, another James Dean film East of Eden showcased his extraordinary talent as an actor. Gidget set off a wave of light-hearted teen beach party and surfing movies that alluded to sex but respected s taboos , conformism, and traditional values.

Love, sex, marriage, divorce, alcoholism, dysfunctional families , and adultery were themes of A Summer Place featuring Sandra Dee and Troy Donahue as teen lovers and Dorothy McGuire and Richard Egan as their adulterous parents. Musicals were still an enormously popular genre during the s, although over the last thirty-five years or so, the musical film has declined in popularity.

Many of the musical films of the s and early s, were straightforward adaptations or restagings of successful stage productions, some of those include the Rodgers and Hammerstein shows: Oklahoma! The Stanislavski system 's theater-orientated, yet organic approach to acting influenced the work of film actors including Montgomery Clift , Marlon Brando James Dean , and Paul Newman. European cinema was both influenced by American cinema and an important influence on American cinema as well.

European cinema experienced a renaissance in the s following the deprivations of World War II. Russian fantasy director Aleksandr Ptushko 's mythological epics Sadko , Ilya Muromets , and Sampo were internationally acclaimed as was Ballad of a Soldier , a Soviet film directed by Grigory Chukhray. The films of Japan were also influenced by and influential on American cinema.

Comic book audiences grew during and after World War II. Newspaper comic strip reprint books such as Ace Comics and King Comics ended their decade-long runs while caped crimefighters and superheroes declined in popularity. Attempts to bring out single character comic strip reprints, such as Flash Gordon , Steve Canyon , and Terry and the Pirates were unsuccessful. The Golden Age of Comic Books gave way to the Silver Age with romance comics , horror comics , western comics, science fiction comics , and crime comics in demand. Classics Illustrated continued its popular literary adaptations, finally ending its run in the early s after titles. In , Classics Illustrated Junior debuted with fairy tale adaptations for the younger set.

While both titles generally featured innocuous stories about youthful relationships, other romance comics of the period ventured into grim tales of alcoholic spouses, two-timing, and wife-beating. The genre was hugely successful with more than series published during the early s. Good girl comics of the period depicted the exploits of voluptuous women in bosom-hugging sweaters or jungle heroines clad in animal skin bikinis. Horror comics enjoyed a heyday during the same period, before being subject to governmental and popular approbation. While superheroes had been menaced by warlocks, zombies, and vampires in the employ of Nazis and the Japanese through the war years, it was not until that the horror genre was established with Avon Periodicals ' Eerie , the first out-and-out horror comic.

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