Hydrochloric Reaction Lab

Thursday, September 30, 2021 1:40:29 PM

Hydrochloric Reaction Lab

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Reactivitity of Metals with HCl - Qualitative Lab

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These include the presence or absence of catalyst, temperature, concentration, and surface area of reactants. Temperature influences the rates of reaction through kinetic energy, such that high temperatures increase the kinetic energy of reacting molecules therefore causing frequent collisions, which form products faster. High concentrations imply that more reacting molecules are at high proximity to each other therefore intermolecular collisions are frequent therefore forming products frequently.

Reactants with high surface area provide a greater binding surface for other reacting molecules, and therefore increase the number of successful collisions at any moment. To measure, the effect of each of above factors, one has to hold some factors constant during rate reaction experimentation. Therefore, this study intends to investigate the effect of concentration and surface area of reactants on the rate of chemical reactions. Magnesium metal in form of a ribbon or powder reacts with acids rapidly than water liberating hydrogen gas. For stance, magnesium metal reacts with hydrochloric to form magnesium chloride salt while displacing hydrogen from the acid as hydrogen gas.

The aim of this experiment is to verify the effects of surface area of solid reactants and concentration of aqueous reactants on the rates of acid-base chemical reactions. Therefore, we sought to test the duration of reaction of equal lengths Magnesium ribbons with reducing concentrations of hydrochloric acid. Similarly, the duration of reaction will be determined using equivalent weights of powdered Magnesium metal. The experiment will be carried at a room temperature 25 0C. For the Magnesium ribbon, the lengths of the Magnesium ribbon used will be constant, while quantities of powdered Magnesium metal in grams will be equivalent to the weight of the length of magnesium ribbon used.

The experiment will be carried out at room temperature 25 0C. Table 1 A table of study variables and operationalization of the study variables Prediction Given that, powdered Magnesium metal has a high surface area than equivalent lengths of Magnesium ribbon, we predict that the former will have shorter duration of reaction with hydrochloric acid than the latter. We also predict that reaction of powdered Magnesium metal with highest concentration of hydrochloric acid will take the shortest duration of reaction. Hypothesis: Powdered Magnesium metal will reduce the reaction duration by a half if used in place of equivalent length of magnesium ribbon, when reacted with hydrochloric acid.

Chemicals and Reagents The following chemicals and reagents were required in the experimentation:. The experiment procedure was divided into two related investigations involving equal lengths of Magnesium ribbons and equal amounts of powdered Magnesium metal. Hydrochloric acid is used in the chemical industry, and in the production of chlorides, fertilizers, and dyes, and in the photographic, textile, and rubber industries. It has smaller-scale applications, including household cleaning, production of gelatin and other food additives,descaling, and leather processing.

Hydrochloric acid is corrosive to the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes. Focus Question: How does the molarity of the Hydrochloric Acid effect the reaction time of the Magnesium? Hypothesis: If the molarity of the Hydrochloric acid increases, then the reaction time of the Magnesium will decrease. Materials List: 1. Test tube rack 2. Graduated Cylinder 10mL 3. Dropper 7. HCl 2 molarity Goggles Measure out 5 mL of HCl.

Pour HCl. Put a piece of magnesium into the test tube filled with HCl. Start stopwatch when the magnesium is placed into the test tube filled with HCl. Record your data and then dump out the HCl and wash your materials. During the process of this reaction the reagents were kept cool in an ice bath to avoid the possible evaporation of any of the solution. Distillation took place until no more drops of product were dripping from the distillation head. The constants of the experiment, will be the amount of water used and the Alka Selter compound. The control in the experiment is water. Units used while timing the productivity of gas from an Alka-Seltzer tablet in different temperatures is, seconds.

In order to find out if temperature controls the rate of chemical reaction, whether hot water is a more effective way to make the gas produce at a faster speed, it would be necessary to compare the results of different temperatures at the end of each trial. In order to do this the scientists will measure the volume of gas that is produced within a 10 second interval time after the tablet begins to react. For energy signals a The energy will be finite and power will be infinite b The energy will be finite and power will be zero c The energy will be zero and power will be infinite d Both energy and power will be finite 4.

No quick endospore stain was performed to validate this assumption since only one assigned organism was endospore forming and unlike Unknown 10, that organism was Gram positive. By Gram staining alone, it was safe to eliminate the three Gram positive bacteria that could have been assigned: S. The second step was to streak plate Unknown 10 to observe its macroscopic. Part A When sodium was added to water, the sodium melted to form a ball that moved around on the surface of water rapidly and hydrogen gas was produced. Because of the amount of heat liberated during this exothermic reaction, the hydrogen gas ignited the sodium with an orange flame while floating on the water. Also, when potassium was put onto the water, the observation was similar to how sodium reacted towards water.

The metal was also set on fire, with sparks and a lilac flame. But, in the case of speed of tarnishing between the two elements, potassium was faster than sodium. Purpose and Techniques: This experiment has the aim to determine a chemical formula of hydrated compound, which ingrains cupper, chloride and water molecules in its structure. In order to find this hydrated compound, it is necessary to use the law of multiple proportions. Additionally, two major steps are required to proceed the experiment. The first consists to heat a sample to liberate the water hydration, and then compare two mass weights before and after heating so gets easier to find the water percentage mass. Aim: To find out the relationship between the greater concentration of sodium thiosulfate when mixed with hydrochloric acid and the time it takes for the reaction the time it takes for the solution to turn cloudy to take place and to show the effect on the rate of reaction when the concentration of one of the reactants change.

Introduction: The theory of this experiment is that sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid reach together to produce sulfur as one of its products. Sulfur is a yellow precipitate so, the solution will turn to yellow color while the reaction is occurring and it will continue until it will slowly turn completely opaque. The raw data graph also has a c or the y intercept of R2 value is a fraction between 0.

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